Curriculum – Become a Specialist

The curriculum "Specialist for Biological Dentistry and Ceramic Implants" is recognized by the two societies ISMI International Society for Metal-Free Implantology and IAOCI International Academy Of Ceramic Implantology.

<h1><strong>Curriculum</strong> – Become a Specialist</h1>

Certified Specialist in Biological Dentistry and Ceramic Implants

The "Specialist in Biological Dentistry and Ceramic Implants" curriculum comprises mandatory courses and 100 completed and documented ceramic implant cases. It concludes with a written and oral examination administered by the board of the ISMI e.V.



  • Mandatory Courses (Online & In-Person)
  • 100 Completed and Documented Ceramic Implants
  • Written and Oral Examination

Earned Title

  • Specialist in Biological Dentistry and Ceramic Implants


After successful → registration for the curriculum, you can take these courses in any order.
    SDS ALLINONE Onsite Course
  • The Curriculum Webinar Package
    Online Course
  • Ceramic Implantology Week
    SDS CIW Onsite Course including SDS ALLINONE Onsite Course


  • Registration for the written exam
    →Per Mail
  • Photo Book
    100 completed and documented ceramic implants
    Submission deadline 4 weeks before the exam
  • Examination
    The written exam must be completed online by no later than November 18, 2024 Oral examination by the examination committee from November 25 to 29, 2024 (via Zoom / Teams)


  • Specialist in Biological Dentistry and Ceramic Implants
    Your certificate will be presented to you in person at the UPDATE course

Submission of Case Documentation 

  • At least 100 completed and documented ceramic implants must be submitted. 
  • The case documentation MUST be submitted as a photo book (minimum size DIN A4): X-rays/panoramic views (OPG) AND preoperative, postoperative, and final prosthetics photos. 
  • 100% of the submitted cases must have prosthetic restoration. 
  • Minimum requirement: The implanted quadrant MUST be free of amalgam, metals, and root-canal-treated teeth. 
  • Deadline for the photo book submission: no later than 4 weeks before the examination date. 
  • Admission to the examination takes place after review of the photo book and approval by the examination commission. 
  • The photo book can be ordered, for example, via the following website: →

“This whole-body approach to dentistry is a paradigm shift, changing not just how I practice but also how I feel about treatment – it's been a wonderful experience.
Dr. Travis Hunt
Register now